Alpine DoeTeal

Aquila Acres KVC Teal
DOB: 2/7/2016
Breed: Purebred Alpine 
ADGA#: A001832973 (Click for

Temperament: Teal is a fun loving doe who loves playing around with the other does. 
Strengths: Teal is a long and tall doe with a lot of potential for growth.
Weaknesses: Teal has a smaller udder and is only an ok milker.
Udder Description: Teal's udder is very proper but also small.
Milk Quantity:  (see milk quantity scale)
Lactation Length:  (see lactation length scale)
Progeny: Teal's Kids (if any kept in herd)

      SS: Strawberry Fields Jagged Edge
S: Kickapoo Valley SFJE Challenge
    SD: Kickapoo Valley Xparte Yuppie 

    DS: Aquila Acres WFN Panini
D: Aquila Acres PAN Tesla
    DD: Windrush Farms N Thalia  

Teal is an Alpine dairy goat in Southern Indiana, between Louisville and Indianapolis. Goat Milk Stuff raises Alpine and Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats for homestead milkers, 4h projects, pack goats, therapy goats, and more. Learn more about our goat milk soaps and other bath and body products at