Aquila Acres Pan Happenstance
DOB: 2/24/14
Breed: American Alpine
ADGA#: A001711159 (Click for
Temperament: Happenstance's nickname is Happy for good reason. Happy is a kind and loving doe who seems to always be smiling and begging you for attention.
Strengths: Happy is a great milker with a beautiful udder.
Weaknesses: Happy (along with many in her genetic line) puts everything we feed her into the milk pail. We have a very difficult time keeping her in good body condition.
Udder Description: Happy's udder is perfectly rounded with a tight medial suspensory ligament and great teat placement. Her orifices are medium to large, her fore attachments are poor, but her rear attachments are strong.
Milk Quantity: 8 (see milk quantity scale)
Lactation Length: 8 (see lactation length scale)
Progeny: Happenstance's kids
SS: Windrush Farms ER Nonpareil
S: Aquila Acres WFN Panini
SD: Windrush Farms CGVR Persephone
DS: Pearl Valley Laredo Montego
D: SG Soldier-Mtn PVLM Hummingbird 2*M
DD: SGCH Pearl Valley Sequence Snowbird
Happenstance is an Alpine dairy goat available for sale in Southern Indiana, between Louisville and Indianapolis. Goat Milk Stuff raises Alpine and Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats for homestead milkers, 4h projects, pack goats, therapy goats, and more. Learn more about our goat milk soaps and other bath and body products at