Alpine Doe -MilkerFelicity

Right now Felicity gets milked once a day.

Aquila Acres ZAM Felicity
DOB: 1/29/15
Breed: American Alpine
ADGA#: A001749837  (Click for
Linear Appraisal: +EEV 86 (2018)

Temperament: Felicity is a young doe with a lot to bring to the table. She works well with the other does and rarely causes any trouble.
Strengths: Felicity is a beautiful doe with great body structure and great milk capacity.
Weaknesses: Felicity is very well-rounded and has few noticeable weaknesses.  Her frame is on the "dainty" side which in future years may hamper her growth potential. 
Udder Description: Felicity's udder is very well-rounded and has a good medial suspensory ligament. Her teats are very well placed and her orifices are medium to large. 
Milk Quantity: 8 (see milk quantity scale)
Lactation Length: 9 (see lactation length scale)
Progeny: Felicity's kids

     SS: Aquila Acres WFN Panini
S:  Aquila Acres Pan Zamboni
     SD: Windrush Farms Wonder Zuzu

    DS: Pearl Valley Rainman Aragon
D:  Soldier-Mtn PVRA Hi-Fashion 7*M
     DD: GCH Pearl Valley Prodig Hi Society 6*M

Felicity is an Alpine dairy goat available for sale in Southern Indiana, between Louisville and Indianapolis. Goat Milk Stuff raises Alpine and Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats for homestead milkers, 4h projects, pack goats, therapy goats, and more. Learn more about our goat milk soaps and other bath and body products at